Arrested Pastors For Embezzlement & Extortion


Author: Ryan Hutzel Imagine first the old school film real, seeing images frame by frame. Now imagine seeing in each frame a different location of any given church building, each one showing a pastor(s) being arrested. Some were being arrested at their front doors, other the police were entering the… Continue reading

Dream of Administration & Technology Changes


By Ryan Hutzel Walking in from the outside to a double set of full glass commercial doors then leading into an airlock, to another set of double doors.  The airlock was maybe 10 feet wide by 6 feet in depth.  I was in my work attire, being an I.T. consultant,… Continue reading

Dream of Domino Effect


Author: Ryan Hutzel This dream is a continuation of the man I saw previously preaching and healing a woman of a jaw issue.  This is the final time I have seen this person, the description of him remains the same as before.  This is another first person observed dream. I… Continue reading